About Us

Aesthetic medicine and surgeries as well as procedures were not very popular before and its applications were also very limited in nature. However, with the constant advancements in the technology and these changes being employed in the field of medicine and health-care, aesthetic medicine became very popular and it continues to become more with increasing changes in the various sectors of medicine. Aesthetic medicine usually consists of dermatology, reconstructive surgery and plastic surgery. At Clinique ChloƩ, we specialize in dermatology and aesthetic medicine and we have highly trained practitioners who are very professional in their approach towards the services they provide as well as the patients they the perform the surgeries on.

The term aesthetic medicine is a concept or a medical treatment that includes all the procedures and surgeries performed for the purpose of betterment of various conditions like scars, skin discoloration, pimples and other such issues for a better physical appearance. Our practitioners have a considerable amount of knowledge and expertise in performing both surgical as well as non-surgical procedures. In various cases, these skin and physical appearance treatments have also helped the patients in improving the overall quality of their life as well as their psychological and emotional well being and state of mind.

 Today, aesthetic medicine has very diverse applications in the medical field and we perform various skin as well as face surgeries in our clinic for the dermatological as well as plastic surgery conditions. With the help of our aesthetic medicine procedures, our basic motive is to improve the cosmetic appearance of the face as well as the skin. The treatment of aesthetic medicine also plays a crucial role in the treatment and decrease of excess of fat, and cellulite as well as obesity. It also includes using therapies and indications which are used to reduce the signs of ageing, like wrinkles and liver spots.

We practice a very professional approach towards our patient and provide them with a fully customized service which is relative and has natural results for each and every patient. The satisfaction of our patient is something that we hold the most important and we assure them that all the procedures and surgeries will be completely safe for their general health and well-being. Our services are completely personalized and we perform all the surgeries and procedures according to the suitability and preferences of our patients.

Even though our professionals and practitioners have enormous amounts of knowledge and experience related to the various techniques and ways of surgeries and procedures, we still make sure that they go through regular training that is available every month. New technology and updates in the techniques as well as methods are always introduced at all times and we see to it that our professionals are always up to date with the new updates in the field of aesthetic medicine. This helps them in choosing the best possible method in which they can perform a particular surgery or a provider of the aesthetic medicine. They can adopt the most efficient technique according to the symptoms and health condition of the patient and their suitability towards a particular treatment. 

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